The 20th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications

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Applied Complex Analysis
Clifford Analysis
Quaternion Analysis
Complex Dynamical Systems
Complex Function Spaces and Operator Theory
Complex Numerical Analysis
Functional Analysis Methods in Complex Analysis and Applications to Partial Differential Equations
Quasi conformal Mappings, Riemann Surfaces, Teichmueller Theory and Kleinian Groups
Complex Manifolds
Several Complex Variables
Value Distribution Theory
Special Functions
Number Theory
Control and System Theory, Process Control, Optimal Control
But any other Mathematics Subject will be gladly welcomed.

Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
International Institute for Research, Training and Development of Human Resource (IHR)

The conference takes place at the Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Address: N0 1 Dai Co Viet Road, Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam

International Advisory Board

Junesang CHOI (Dongguk University, Korea)

Akio KODAMA (Kanazawa university ,Japan)
Liang Wen LIAO (Nanjin University, China)
Masaru NISHIHARA (Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan)
Le Hung SON (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam)
Kwang Ho SHON (Pusan National University, Korea )
Toshiyuki SUGAWA (Tohoku University, Japan)
Tao QIAN (University of Macau)
Chung Chun YANG (Nanjing University , China)
Scientific Programme Committee
Prof.Dr. Le Hung SON, HUST, Chair
Prof.K.GURLEBECK, University of Weimar
Prof. HIROSAWA, Yamaguchi University
Prof.Nguyen Van MAU, Hanoi University of Science
Ass.Prof.Ha Tien NGOAN, Hanoi Institute of Mathematics
Prof.M.REISSIG, Technical University of Freiberg
Prof.F.Sommen,University of Ghent.
Ass.Prof. Nguyen Minh Tuan, Vietnam National University
Prof.W.Tutschke, Technical University of Graz
National Organizing Committee
Prof.Dr. Nguyen Trong GIANG, Rector of Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Co-Chair)
Prof.Dr.Sc. Le Hung SON, Director of International Institute for Research, Training and Development of Human Resource (Co-Chair).
Ass.Prof.Nguyen Canh LUONG, Vice Rector of HUST.
Ass. Prof. Tong Dinh QUY, Director of School for Applied Mathematics and Informatics, HUST
Main Sponsors
· Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
· International Institute for Research, Training and Development of Human Resource (IHR)
· International Mathematical Union/ Center for Developing Countries (IMU/CDC)

History of International Conferences on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications

The conferences originated when many Korean and Japanese mathematicians recognized that they drew only upon the research done in Europe and the United States, without looking at the nearest neighbor countries. With Prof. Joji Kajiwara of Kyushu University in Japan as Chairman, they established the Organizing Committee of the Korean-Japanese Colloquium on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis.
Kwang Ho Shon of Pusan National University in Korea held the First Korean-Japanese Colloquium on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis at Pusan National University in July 1993.
Hideaki Kazama of Kyushu University held the Second Colloquium at Kyushu University in July 1994.
The committee invited their Chinese colleague Zhong Li of Peking University and extended the name from Korean-Japanese to International. Suk Young Lee held the Third International Colloquiun on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis at Iwha University in Seoul, Korea, July/August 1995.
Tadayoshi Kanemaru held the Fourth Colloquium at Kumamoto University in Japan, August 1996.
Lo Yang of Academia Sinica and Zong Li of Peking University held the Fifth Colloquium at Peking University in Beijing, August 1997.
Ern Gun Kwon of Andong University held the Sixth Colloquium at Andong University in Korea, August 1998.
Masaru Nishihara of Fukuoka Institute of Technology in Japan held the Seventh Colloquium at the Socioeducational Center of Fukuoka Prefecture, August 12 -- 16, 1999. Website
Lo Yang of Academia Sinica and Hong-Xun Yi of Shandong University held the Eighth Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis at Shandong University (Jinan) - Shandong University of Science and Technology (Taian), on August 22 -- 26, 2000.
Le Hung Son held the Ninth International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications, at Hanoi University of Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, on August 8 -- 12, 2001. Website
Kiwon Kim of Silla University held the Tenth International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications, at Silla University, Pusan, Korea, on July 29 -- August 2, 2002.
The Eleventh International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications, at Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, on July 27 -- 31, 2003. Website
Mitsuo Morimoto of International Christian University held the Twelveth International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications at International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, on July 27 -- 31, 2004.
Hasi Wulan of Shantou University held the Thirteenth International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications at Shantou Christian University, Shantou, China, on August 8 -- 12, 2005. Website
Le Hung Son of Hanoi University of Technology held the Fourteenth International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications at Hue, Vietnam, on August 1 -- 5, 2006.
Yoichi Imayoshi of Osaka City University held the Fifteenth International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications at Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan, on July 30 -- August 3, 2007. Website
Junesang Choi of Dongguk University held the Sixteenth International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications at Dongguk University, Gyeongju, Korea, on July 28 -- August 1, 2008. Website
Le Hung Son of Hanoi University of Technology held the Seventeenth International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on August 3 -- 7, 2009. Website
Tao Qian of University of Macau held the Eighteenth International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications at University of Macau, Macau, China, on August 13 -- 17, 2010. Website
Toshiyuki Sugawa of Tohoku University held the nightennth International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications in Hiroshima, Japan, on December 11-15,2011. Website

Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis (Proceedings of the Seventh International Colloquium), edited by Joji Kajiwara, Zhong Li, Kwang Ho Shon, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 214, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2000.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Colloquium on Finite or Infinite Deimensional Complex Analysis, edited by Lo Yang and Hong-Xun Yi, Shangdong Science and Technology Press, 2001.
Proceedings of the 9th ICFIDCAA, Hanoi, 2001, edited by Le Hung Son. W.Tutschke and C.C.Yang, Advances in Complex Analysis and its Applications 2, luwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Application, Busan, Korea, July 29 -- August 2, 2002. Edited by J. Kajiwara, K.W. Kim and K.H. Shon, Silla University, April 2003.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Application, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2003, edited by P. Niamsup and A. Kananthai, 2003.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Finite and Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications, edited by Hideki kazama, Mitsuo Morimoto, Chung-Chun Yang, Kyushu University Press, 2005.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Finite and Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications, edited by Yuefei Wang, Shengjian Wu, Hasi Wulan & Lo Yang, the World Scientific Publishing Co., 2006.
Function spaces in complex and Clifford analysis, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications, held in Hue, 2006, edited by Le Hung Son and Wolfgang Tutschke. National University Publishers Hanoi, Hanoi, 2008.
Complex analysis and its applications. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications held in Osaka, 2007, edited by Yoichi Imayoshi, Yohei Komori, Masaharu Nishio and Ken-ichi Sakan. OCAMI Studies, 2. Osaka Municipal Universities Press, Osaka, 2007.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications, held in Gyeongju, 2008, edited by Junesang Choi, So Young Choi, Dae Ho Jin, Seong-A Kim, and Jong Moon Shin. Daeyang Printing, Gyeongju, 2009.
Algebraic structures in partial differential equations related to complex and Clifford Analysis, Proceedings of the 17th. ICFIDCAA, HoChiMinh City, 2009, edited by Le Hung Son and W.Tutschke, HoChiMinh City University of Education Press, 2010.


All the participants are asked to submit the registration form to the local organizing committee through the conference website :

(online registration) or sending the filled registration form directly (per email) to the contact persons at your earliest convenience, but not later than June 30, 2012 .



1.City excursion : on August 1, 2012 from 13.00 to 20.00

2. Ha Long Bay Tour:

We are planning to organize a tour to visit HaLong Bay on August 03,2012 .


Registration Form: by June 30, 2012, or until the full capacity of this conference is reached, whichever comes first. Submission of abstracts: by July 15, 2012. Please, if possible, prepare the abstract in a standard LaTeX2e format (without non-standard macros) and send it to the contact person .


2009 Maths and Informatics Faculty, HCMc University of Pedagogy
DesignRegistration Form
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Would you like to joint the Ha Long Bay tour? Yes No

eContact Person
Professor Dr.Le Hung Son

Director of International Institute for Research, Training and Development of Human Resource (IHR)

School of Applied of Mathematics and Informatics
Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Tel: 084-1665440190
Fax: (+84)438692006
Email: -
Assoc. Prof.Dr. Tong Dinh Quy

Director of School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Hanoi University of Science and Technology